New project updates, ideas and my adventures. Make sure to say hi and leave a comment!

Cape Breton #CreativeEconomy Conference

Sydney Cape BretonIt was my privilege to spend the past week in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. I was invited to take part in the Growing a Creative Economy Conference by the Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design.

They asked me to come share my Etsy knowledge and experience, I told my story of how I used the platform to launch and continue to grow my design practice in a sustainable and manageable way. Artisans around the world, including in Cape Breton, can use Etsy to access an international audience that loves and actively supports the handmade movement.

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Vancouver DTES Etsy Workshop

Vivian BomberryEarlier this month I was invited to do an Etsy workshop with a number of social enterprises working in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side (DTES). The area is often written off due to the high concentration of drug addiction and mental illness. What most people don’t see is the rich history, active community and that it’s one of Vancouver’s oldest neighbourhoods.

It’s also one of the last remaining areas with affordable housing options that many artists and creatives are drawn to. These fantastic organizations that hosted the workshop serve a number of different communities, including EWMA (Enterprising Women Making Art), Kitchen Wands and 3H Craftworks that works with people living with disabilities. Continue Reading →

Toronto, ON: Scout and Kid Icarus

They say your third time to Toronto is the charm. And I think I fell in love. My first two visits to the city weren’t amazing, a boring conference and your basic touristy stuff doesn’t usually leave a lasting expression.

I spent last week exploring the beautiful established neighbourhoods and catching up with old friends. I was in town doing work on the Etsy Schools program at the Etsy Canada office.


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Etsy Canada Schools Program Launch

I’m currently sitting at a hot spot desk at the Centre for Social Innovation Annex in Toronto, Ontario. This amazing building full of passionate and creative organizations houses the Etsy Canada HQ.

I made the trip out to Toronto to work on the new Etsy Ambassadors program that is being launched at schools across Canada this Fall. The program was piloted at a handful of select Canadian schools this past year with huge success.

The program was created to address the simple fact that a huge percentage of art and design students stop creating work after they graduate. Our schools and institutions need to be doing more to empower students to make a living after they graduate. Etsy has recognized this need and is working to provide the tools and supports Canadian art + design students need to launch their creative careers.

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BC Linocut Print Coasters

This Friday to Sunday is the annual Emily Carr Student Art Sale here in Vancouver, BC. In stereotypical art student fashion I finished my new work just in time to make the final drop off deadline. In my defense, the idea for this project only came to me while I was in bed the previous night trying unsuccessfully to fall asleep.

I decided to try a new linocut printing technique for the coasters in the art sale. I’ve never done linocuts before, so I’m super pumped at how they turned out and wanted to share it with all of you! I ended up doing a non-stop overnight print run from 9 pm until 8 am. After 150 prints, a sleepless night and school at 830 the next morning here are the final results. These BC coasters will be available exclusively at the Student Art Sale (while supplies last) and will likely be a limited edition run given the time required for each coaster.

 I’d love to hear what you think, and while you’re at it check out some of the process pictures below!

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Under Construction.

Friends, welcome to my new wordpress site! It’s currently under construction. Please check out my e-store at the top of the page. Just click ‘Online Store’. And feel free to send me an e-mail at in the meantime.